Standard UV Beds
Only $15 bucks, don't get ripped off
This is a free powerful 15 minute upgrade compared to other salon’s 20 minutes for less money.
1 for $15
5 for $59
10 for $99
30-day unlimited tanning for $64
Ongoing monthly Easy-Pay
$40 per month with a one time $30 set up fee.
All Ongoing Basic members can get a free Premium Bed Upgrade on Sundays; and can also upgrade to Premium Bed for $5 or Mystic Clear Spray Tan for $10 anytime.

Ergoline 450 Classic
Best prices in town!
Only 14 bucks!
Don't get ripped off!
Our regular priced bed is a 15 minute powerhouse, comparable to everyone else's level 3 or even 4.
A full 160 watts of power from each lamp ,not your measly 100 watt that takes 20 minutes. Your search is over.
Beach body for less than a trip to the beach!